You are your Brand.

You may be wondering why headshots are so important. Why should you invest your time and money to have them done? Well, in most cases, people meet your headshot before they actually meet you. Your headshot is your first impression. And in order to accomplish your professional goals, you need to have headshots that truly reflect who you are and convey those special qualities you want highlighted.

For example, if you’re an actor up for the part of a fun-loving, happy-go-lucky best friend, you need a headshot that shows off that aspect of your personality. If you’re an author who wants a memorable photo for your book jacket, then you need a headshot that allows you to connect with your readers on some level. The end result will pay for itself time and time again. We approach Corporate headshots with your time in mind.  We arrive at your office or desired location around 30-60 minutes before the shoot to set up.  We’ll have 1 or 2 different shots set up and already tested out.  When it comes time to shoot, the actual sitting time is very short and painless.


Option One

1-hour indoor studio session
Includes 3 retouched digital files

**additional digital files are $50 each..


Option Two

1.5 hour indoor/outdoor/ or on-location session
Includes 6 retouched digital files

**additional digital files are $50 each.